NYCDDC SE-842A1, Storm Sewer Outlet in 224th Street and 149th Avenue & Junction Chamber Street South of Rockaway Blvd.

Queens, New York

The purpose of this project is to alleviate street and property flooding and increase the efficiency of storm water conveyance within southeast Queens. The scope of work includes the installation of a new storm sewer between the intersection of 224th Street & 149th Avenue and the existing junction chamber south of Rockaway Blvd. This involves reconstruction of streets, replacing water mains, repairing sanitary sewers, and installing raised crosswalks. The new storm sewer controls the water flow from the tidewater area and the combined sewer system.

Ota Ade Oni Consulting is providing community outreach including preparing and disseminating newsletters and advisories to ensure the community, residents, and businesses are updated on the project’s progress. Our CCL has aided the community throughout the reconstruction process, addressing concerns and coordinating meetings with residents, businesses, the contractor, and the DEP Project Team. They have also informed property owners about upcoming work and water and other utility service interruptions.
